A cause for celebration!

Today he turns four. What a cause for celebration!

Our Bradley Caleb Troyer
Born at 9:20 pm
8 pounds 3 ounces
21 1/2 inches long


Wasn’t it just yesterday we held him with relief in our arms after an especially rough labor?
Wasn’t it just yesterday we found out with delight we were having a boy?
Seems like it was just yesterday, and yet it feels like he’s been a part of our lives forever.
From the moment we knew of the little life growing inside, our hearts were already captured. Never to be the same.


These last four years our son has dramatically changed our world, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
I now have a better picture of what selflessness really means.
Of spending all night anxiously worrying about your sick child.
Of crayon marks on the wall, and objects in the toilet that aren’t meant to be in there.
I now know how it feels to want to protect.
To love someone so little so much.
Of sticky kisses, spilled milk, crushed cheerios and a purse turned into a toy box.
Of facing strong wills, tantrums and confrontations I will never want to relive. Thank you very much!


My heart melts as my son runs up to me, wraps his arms around my neck and whispers, “I love you Mommy.”
“I love you too, Bradley. I am so glad God gave you to us!”
He smiles bashfully and says, “I know.”
We snuggle awhile, and I savor the moment.
Two minutes later he wriggles out of my arms and is off again at full speed.


Ahh, motherhood!
Full of treasured moments.
New discoveries.
Lots of grace.
And celebration!
But through each milestone and challenge, I marvel at the gift of our son. This precious life God has entrusted to us.
May I always remember to delight in every moment, for times passes so quickly.


Today we celebrate the life of our special son.
Happy Birthday, Bradley boy!